Tonder’s payment infrastructure is designed specifically for digital commerce companies. This guide provides developers and businesses with a workflow of how Tonder works, and a clear, step-by-step approach to creating their first payment and seamlessly integrating our solution into their platform.

Step-by-step process

To start using Tonder’s solution, please follow the steps below:


Set up your account

First, our team will provide you access to sign up in Tonder. With your access, you can follow these steps:

  1. Enter the needed information.
  1. Verify your email address and log in the dashboard for the first time.
  2. Add your business information.

Create a payment link

When you first access the Tonder dashboard, you already can simulate creating payments. Payment link is one of the options available. To create a payment link, follow the steps below:

  1. Access the Payment Links section of the dashboard.
  2. Click the +Create button on the top-right corner.
  3. Fill in the required fields. As this is a simulation, any data will be sufficient.
  4. Click the Create new Link button at the top of the screen.

Below you will find a example of the payment link creation process:


Process your first payment

With the payment link in hand you need to pay it using a test card. To execute the payment, you need to:

  1. Access the payment link.
  2. Select Pay with Credit/debit card.
  3. Use one of the following test cards:

For all test cards, you can use the following:

  • Cardholder: Any name.
  • CVC: Any three digits.
  • Date: Any future date.

Below you will find a example of the payment process for the payment link created before:


Validate the payment

After executing the payment with one of the available test cards, you need to check if the payment was successful. You can do it by going to the Transaction section and clicking on the transaction to view the response from the payment provider.