The Lite SDK presents developers with modular components to create custom UI implementations for seamless payment experiences. This integration offers a suite of benefits designed to enhance your payment workflows.

Features and Benefits

The Lite SDK grants direct access to a variety of essential features and benefits:

  • Payment Processing: Handle payments with ease and security.
  • Card Management: Enroll, save, list, and delete cards.
  • Payment Handling: Manage payment methods and tokenized storage.
  • Manual Payment Flow Control: Gain full control over how payments are processed in your application.
  • Flexible UI Customization: Tailor the UI to match your brand’s design and user experience.

Integration Steps

With the Lite integration you can create a payment screen, as well as enroll and manage cards. Below are two step guides, one to create a payment screen, and the second to create a card enrollment one.

Lite Methods

The Lite integration provides full control over the payment flow with individual components and direct access to all SDK functionalities.

  • payment: Processes a payment using the configured payment data.
  • saveCustomerCard: Tokenizes and saves the current card information.
  • getCustomerCards: Retrieves the list of saved cards for the customer.
  • getPaymentMethods: Retrieves available payment methods.
  • removeCustomerCard: Deletes a saved card.

If there are any changes to the payment or customer data, you can pass the updated data again when calling the payment function.

const { 
} = useTonder<SDKType.LITE>();


Find below reference tables and interfaces for the methods and features found at the React Native guides.