The Tonder Plugin for Magento 2.0 allows you to link your Magento e-commerce platform to Tonder’s revenue optimization platform. With Tonder, you can simplify your payment process by connecting all your payment methods and processors with just a few clicks. You won’t need to use multiple plugins and customizations anymore. Tonder is the only payment plugin you will need for your store and checkout.

Tonder tokenization collects, tokenizes, and reveals sensitive data in the browser securely. Giving merchants a PCI Level 2 certified card processing widget on their checkout page.


To install Tonder’s plugin in your Magento store, follow these steps:


Terminal Access

Access the root directory where Magento is installed by opening a terminal window.

  cd /your/installation/route/for/magento

Plugin Download

To install the plugin, you can use Composer. Simply run the command below to download the plugin:

  composer require tonder/module-payment dev-m2.4.2

Enable the Plugin

After the download is finished, you need to execute the following command to activate the plugin:

  bin/magento module:enable Tonder_Payment --clear-static-content

System Update

After enabling the plugin, execute the following command to perform necessary system updates:

  bin/magento setup:upgrade

Compile the dependency injection

To compile the dependency injection classes, please run the command below:

  bin/magento setup:di:compile

Cleaning the Cache

To ensure that your changes are reflected correctly, clear the cache by running the following command:

  php bin/magento cache:flush


TO complete Tonder’s plugin configuration, follow the steps below:


Administration console

Access the Magento administration console to configure the plugin.


Tonder Payment Gateway

Go to Stores -> Settings -> Sales -> Payment Methods and enable Tonder Payment Gateway, by switching Yes.


Change the Title

Modify the Title field from Tonder to Payment by Credit/Debit Card (or what better fits your business) for the Magento checkout.


Choose a server

Select the server of your choice.


Add your Credentials

Enter your Merchant ID and Token.

Your Credentials can be found in the Developers tab of Tonder’s dashboard.

Payment Action

Please select the recommended payment action, which is Authorize and Capture.


Save your changes

To finish processing the orders, you need to click on the Save Config button.

Please make sure to delete the cache and conduct all necessary tests afterward.