Enrollment SDK Type
The Enrollment SDK gives you tools for managing card-saving functionalities, with secure card enrollment and storage with Tonder. This integration is designed to enhance user trust and simplify card management.
Features and Benefits
The Enrollment SDK provides features that support secure and efficient card handling:
- Card Tokenization: Convert card details into secure tokens for future transactions.
- Card Validation: Ensure the accuracy and validity of card information during the enrollment process.
- Secure Storage: Store card data securely and comply with industry standards.
Integration Steps
The following steps show you how to integrate the Enrollment type into your app:
Setup Tonder Provider
You need to start by setting up Tonder’s Provider into your application. Below are the available base configurations for the Provider:
Property | Type | Required | Description |
mode | 'development' | 'production' | 'sandbox' | Yes | Specifies the environment mode for the SDK. Use development for testing, production for live operations, or sandbox for isolated testing. |
apiKey | string | Yes | Your unique Tonder Public API key used to authenticate SDK requests. |
type | SDKType | Yes | Indicates the integration type. Options: INLINE for inline integration, LITE for lightweight use, or ENROLLMENT for enrollment workflows. |
returnURL | string | No | The URL to redirect users to after completing the 3DS authentication process. |
The following code integrates our provider into the App component:
Remember to add the correct SDK type in the provider configuration.
Obtain a Secure Token
Before initialzing the mobile SDK, your checkout page should obtain the security token for card functionalities (save, delete, list). This should be obtained through your backend for security.
For detailed implementation instructions and best practices, please refer to the How to use SecureToken for secure card saving guide.
Gather Customer Data
Before creating the mobile SDK, your checkout page should already have collected any required customer information.
Create the Enrollment Screen
Use the following code to save cards without processing payments. With a secure token, and the necessary data at hand, you can now create the enroll card screen.
After these steps, you have completed the integration. The following image exemplifies how the SDK will look in your app:
Enrollment Methods
The Enrollment integration provides methods for handling full enrollment with built-in UI components.
: Tokenizes and saves the current card information.
The saveCustomerCard
is only necessary when you want to control the enrollment button on your own.
The example below shows how to create a card enrollment with a custom button.
Find below reference tables and interfaces for the methods and features found at the React Native guides.