A dispute occurs when a customer raises a concern with their card issuer regarding a payment made through a particular platform.

Using Tonder’s payment processing capabilities, you can securely handle disputes directly from the Tonder Dashboard. This page aims to guide you through handling your disputes in Tonder.

How disputes work

If a customer raises concerns or questions regarding a payment made through Tonder with their card issuer, it leads to a dispute. This, in turn, triggers a formal process on the card network, resulting in the immediate reversal of the payment. As a result, the payment amount and any associated dispute fees are first deducted from Tonder and then from your account balance. Below is an overview of the steps involved in a dispute process:

Managing disputes

To effectively navigate through disputes, Tonder offers a comprehensive step-by-step guide accessible within the Disputes page of the Dashboard section. This guide helps users compile and submit compelling evidence to support their case.

For each dispute, you can either:

  • Accept: Accepting a dispute involves acknowledging the cardholder’s claim as valid and agreeing to the chargeback without contesting it further.

  • Dispute: Disputing a transaction refers to providing evidence to the card issuer to challenge and overturn a cardholder’s claim against a payment.

The evidence submission process in the dispute module is exclusively tailored for Tonder’s processing capabilities with the Tonder Online Payments product.

The video below exemplifies disputing a transaction in Tonder’s Dashboard.

Tonder’s dispute module is primarily an informational tool for all other Payment Service Providers (PSPs). Manage dispute operations directly through the respective admin panel for other payment processors.

Disputes fees

The fees that apply to disputes for your business will be defined in the contract with the Tonder commercial team. Whenever a cardholder initiates a dispute, these fees are deducted from your reserves. It is crucial to be aware of these charges and factor them into your financial planning.

Cardholders can initiate disputes up to 120 days from the original transaction date. However, certain circumstances might warrant an extension of this timeframe as per specific regulations.

To handle an issue, it is advisable to analyze it immediately and submit a dispute request within 10 calendar days of receiving it. When challenging disputes, make sure to attach relevant documentation. Once evidence is provided in response to a dispute, the issuing bank has a specific period, usually between 60 to 75 days, based on the card network, to assess the evidence and decide on the resolution.

The entire dispute process typically takes 2-3 months from initiation to resolution. Unfortunately, there are no ways businesses can accelerate the process.

Dispute Reason Codes

When a dispute arises, payment networks like Visa and Mastercard assign specific codes. Examples of these codes for each network are listed below: