Create Order
The Authorization needs to be in the following format:
Authorization: Token <YOUR_API_KEY>
This endpoint enables the creation of new orders by adding an existing customer using their unique identifier.
Your Tonder API Key. You can retrieve it from the dashboard.
The client authorization token: auth_token
The total monetary value of the transaction.
A code indicating the status of the transaction.
A unique identifier or reference number associated with the transaction.
A boolean value indicating whether the transaction involves a one-click purchase.
An array containing details about the items included in the transaction.
The identifier for the billing address.
The identifier for the shipping address.
An identifier associated with the order.
The timestamp indicating the creation date and time of the order.
The total monetary value of the order.
The status of the order.
The payment method used in the order.
A unique identifier or reference number associated with the order.
A boolean value indicating whether the order involves a one-click purchase.
An array containing details about the items included in the order.
The billing address information in the order.
The shipping address information in the order.
Contains information about the client.